Guest Rooms Are Needed for The Holidays
By Harden Custom Homes 10 Nov 2016

It is that time of year again when relatives and friends are planning on visiting you for the holidays. Thanksgiving is only weeks away! There is much to do. Meal planning, decorating and cleaning. Something that you need to consider is: Do you have the proper accommodations to house them for a week? What we mean by “proper accommodations” at its basic are guest rooms and bathrooms set aside for guests to use. When you build your new home, make sure that your plans have additional rooms set aside for visiting family and friends. But, it is not just the room space that you need to consider when you know that you have guests on the way. Think about these topics:

  • Most people know in advance when they have guests coming for the holidays. This is great for the hosts since it can give them time to prep for the visit. The one key ingredient in prepping is making sure that the accommodations are comfortable since most guests will not complain. Ensure that there are enough towels, blankets, clean sheets, and toiletries. These small touches will make anyone feel at home.


  • The little things matter when it comes to guest comforts. In the guest room, maybe have a robe for each guest and slippers. In the bathroom, maybe put together a basket of necessities that they might have forgotten at home. If you think of what you would want when traveling, then you will be more conscious of their needs.


  • Feeling welcome in someone’s home is very important to guests. Give them a quick run-down of the household. Where the coffee is, where you keep the soda or bottled water, snacks in case they get hungry in between meals, and so on. You can even add enjoyable touches such as a pretty vase of fresh cut flowers on the nightstand. Or give them access to magazines and books that you think they might enjoy.

Having separate guest rooms in your home is something that should be planned prior to buying your new home. If the basic floor plan does not offer the option, speak to the builder about adding guest rooms that you need. At Harden Custom Homes, we work hand in hand with our clients in the planning stages. We listen to the needs and wants of our homeowners and bring it to fruition. If you are looking to build a new home in the southwest Florida region, please call us at 239-205-5075 or contact us through our website at